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Marie, The Rest Of The Story

Old timers will remember Marie Helme, the mysterious older woman encased, rain or shine, in a black winter coat who we'd see gingerly making her way from the Mannix Building every afternoon to the Boonville…

Hendy Woods Should Not Be Closed

Kathy Bailey appeared before the Community Services District Board last week to urge the Board to help save Hendy Woods State Park from its scheduled closing early next year. Bailey, representing the local Chamber of…

Off The Record

This Week: CalTrans really doesn't like us; CAMP, er, Marijuana Price Support Unit; Libs saying nice things about libs; and much more

The Iranian ‘Plot’

First, a simple rule: utter absurdity in allegations lev­eled by the US government is no bar to a deferential hear­ing in our nation’s major conduits of official opin­ion. Suppose the CIA leaks a secret national…

Letters To The Editor

RUSH FOR PA SCHOOL BOARD Dear Editor: I am often questioned as to why I am so involved in the school district since I have no children or grandchildren in it. I can only say…

Free Sub, The Hard Way

Dear AVA, Were I asked at any point in my life where I saw myself at the age of 51, the answer would invariably have been: Dead. Not from any romantic notion about leaving a…

Marijuana Mirrors In Arcata

The four-dimensional hall of mirrors that comprises US cannabis law has gained some fresh, Arcata-style mutations. Steven Gasparas’ Sai Center marijuajna dispensary in downtown Arcata is in its second month of operation without a use…

Three Memorials

In recent months a number of deaths and obituaries seem similar however with a deeper reading there are crossovers and differences that are part of the obituary formality. The recent death of Al Davis, and…

Farm To Farm

The weather turned out sunny and gorgeous, if a bit breezy, for the 43rd annual “Old Verona Days” festival, this past weekend. Judging by the town's name, you might think it was Italians who first…
