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Anderson Valley Advertiser

Merengues, Shuffles, Snuffles & Stomps

After a musical performance at last week's Supervisors meeting, John Pinches remarked, “You are a lot more entertaining than we are.”

Off The Record

This Week: North of Cloverdale, "0 percent" political courage; A math error in Ukiah; Strange times in Point Arena; and much more

Valley People

KATHY VAN TASSEL of Boonville suffered major injuries Sunday morning about ten when her westbound 1994 Ford Escort unaccountably careened off Highway 128 not far from Navarro and rolled over. Ms. Van Tassel was taken…

Letters To The Editor

CRACKPOTS, AN ANALYSIS Dear Lee Simon, Thanks for your scientific response to my conjecture about possible after-life scenarios. My father was an atheist medical doctor and his religion was Science, so reading your letter was…

Memo Of The Week

October 24, 2011 — Mendocino County Assessor-Clerk Recorder, Susan M. Ranochak announced: “Two errors were made by my office and discovered after publication within the Measure A section of the Sample Ballot for the November…

Imperial Massacres

Denied post mortem imagery of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the world now has at its disposal photographs of Muammar Qaddafi, dispatched with a bul­let to the head after being wounded by NATO’s ground…

Farm To Farm

For years I always joked that my blue heeler bitch was going to leave me for a guy who had a pick-up truck. I was only half-joking, though, and always harbored a deep anxiety that…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I’m sure most of you will have been fascinated by the news story that a US woman had drugged her estranged husband,…

Panther Soccer / Futbol 2011

Despite being mired in a poor run of three draws and a loss -their first defeat of the season coming ten days ago against Roseland Prep, the Panthers still had a chance of winning the…
