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Off The Record

THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS (AOC) — front group for the state's pampered judges — has reversed the order for its two preferred sites for the new Ukiah courthouse, putting the railroad depot parcel…

Valley People

IN THE YEAR JUST PAST, the Anderson Valley said goodbye to Terry Ottoboni Lane Medaris, Mildred Olive (Hulbert) Gowan, Patty McCummings, Myrtle Evelyn Bakker, Lorna Chance, Harriet Jean Piper, James Monroe 'Bo' Hiatt, Christopher Stuart…

Chris Diaz, The Documentary

I had the opportunity to do a cam-recorded almost hour-long interview with Christopher Diaz at the Mendocino County jail. It's broken up into four parts on a YouTube channel I just established that can be reached at:…

Letters To The Editor

FIRST ENRON, THEN PG&E Editor, Last Spring I was sitting in Fort Bragg’s City Council considering a potential no Smartmeter resolution and listening to a man address the ruthless utility known as PG&E regarding rate…

Farewell To C.H.

I can’t count the times, down the years, that after some new outrage friends would call me and ask, “What happened to Christopher Hitchens?” — the inquiry prem­ised on some supposed change in Hitchens, often…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Never let it be said that a Turkey Vulture is not a noble creature, particularly when it comes to admitting one’s mistakes.…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Susan Newstead

I met with Susan at her lovely home in Rancho Navarro and we sat down overlooking the meadows outside with a cup of herbal tea and began to chat... Susan was born in Boonville, Missouri…

Zorba & Kurt & Hermann

“As you walk, you cut open and create that riverbed into which the stream of your descendants shall enter and flow.” — Nikos Kazantzakis  In 1965, when I was 16 and deeply unhappy, I went…

Is Premier Pacific Vineyards Dead?

Some of the wealthiest and best-connected land speculators in the western hemisphere came together for a conference two months ago in Miami, from October 19-21, to discuss their accelerating feeding frenzy, more like a hoarding…
