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Fingerprints Don’t Lie?

As the sun set on 2011, a flurry of paperwork obscured the murky gun theft from the Sanchez home on Mountain View Road, Boonville. The house was broken into and a variety of sporting arms…

The Bad News Goes Downtown

Let’s begin the new year by describing the Supervisor's latest expression of fiscal austerity, the December 12th meeting with the County’s Retirement Board. That get-together was held in the Ukiah Conference Center in Ukiah's dying…

Valley People

CYNDI WILDER WRITES: The AV Senior/Community Center has an expanding vegetable garden that is providing some of the produce for the meals there. All community members are encouraged to take advantage of this local food…

Rattlesnake Summit

Perhaps I deserved to spend a stormy night on the side of Highway 101 in a crapped-out Ford Courier pickup, watching the lightning flash and freezing in a wet wool blanket I had found in…

A Teacher’s Memoir: Alotta Lipski

It was my very first sixth-grade faculty meeting at Little Lake Valley Middle School. There were just four of us, all men, but we were waiting for one more teacher before we could proceed. That…

AVA’s Best & Worst Of 2011

Best Wine Industry Writing: Will Parrish's on-going series about the industrial booze business's many depredations, social and environmental. Worst wine writing: A tie between the Chronicle and the Santa Rosa Press Democrat whose staffs turn…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Well that’s Christmas/Whatever-you-call-it ‘done and dusted’ and now on to Act 2 — New Year’s Eve! Try to enjoy yourselves and if…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Terry Ryder

I met with Terry at the conference room upstairs in the Farrer Building in downtown Boonville where she had arrived just before me with coffee and cinnamon rolls from Mosswood Market next door. Things had…

Peanut Butter Crank & The Possumbaby

The possum baby slashed and jerked its way around Joanna’s uterus in a river of milky white mucus and blood. “Ya muthafuckin’ beast!” she wailed at it, her back grindin’ into the bed while she…
