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Hypocrisy & Syria

Few spectacles have been more surreal than senior US officials — starting with the President, the Secretary of State and the US ambassador to the UN — solemnly lecturing Assad and his beleaguered Syrian government…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. ‘Shine’ Tuttle, at 96, was the Valley's oldest resident at the time of his recent passing. Harold Perry, currently 95, now has…

Climate Science: Calling Out The Cranks

A striking letter just appeared in the Wall Street Journal signed by 38 leading climate scientists from around the world. They strongly protested a previous opinion piece in the same paper titled “No Need to…

Martin Murie

Martin Murie died Jan. 28 after a brief illness. Biologist, teacher, writer, and ranter, Martin called himself a “varmentalist.” He was an activist for nature and wildness and against war and corporate domination. Anyone meeting…

A Travesty Of A Mockery Of A Sham

The United States government's “compensation” to American Indians for past and present injustices typically amounts to what Groucho Marx called “a travesty of a mockery of a sham.”  Case in point: In 1974, the California…

Greek To Me

The terrace at the Presbyterian in Mendocino can be a wonderful place to sit and read and write and eat a snack, especially on a sunny day. From every bench one has a view of either the ocean sparkling in the distance or of the stately white church with its impressive shingled spire.

Love On The Road

People’s paths cross endlessly as they make their brief journeys through this world, but only occasionally do eyes meet and sparks fly. Even less often, the two paths will course together for a distance, and…

Off The Record

This Week: Mendo's big, empty buses; Home Invasion Season, 2012; A drunk driving death & a lenient judge; and much more

Valley People

THE PTA EMBEZZLEMENT CASE remains under investigation. Prevalent rumors in rumor-rich Anderson Valley say it's over, that no money is missing, but as of Tuesday morning the Sheriff's Department was still assessing the matter. THE…
