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Mendocino County Today: May 1, 2014

IRS Busts Ukiah Restaurateurs;
Whither Mendo Green?;
Police Calls;
Anthem for Doomed Youth;
Medical Alcohol;
Unintentional Satire;
Escape from Alcatraz;
Military Buildup in Asia;
Committee Passes Anti-Frack Bill;
DIY Mini Dome Home

UC Cooperative Extension Hosts Cottage Food Operations Workshop Series

…for farmers interested in producing value-added products University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) will present a hands-on workshop series at the UCCE Mendocino County office in Ukiah on May 15 and 22, 2014. This two-part…

Vineyard Noise Meeting, Wednesday Night, Philo Grange

Everyone welcome, including the Noise People. You want these things stopped, be there, May 7th at 7:30pm! Inland neighbors of the Big Propellers are also encouraged to attend.

Valley People (Apr 30, 2014)

JORGE CERVANTES, 49, of Philo died Thursday afternoon a little after 4pm when the car he was riding in suddenly veered off Highway 128 at the bend in the road at Mile Marker 32 on…

Letters (Apr 30, 2014)

Recently, after 39 years of coaching basketball at Ukiah High, the coach was, in my opinion, let go because players and their parents spoke to the principal. This is usually because they feel they don't play as much as they should and feel they are better than others. I feel the community who don't know Coach Heath should know how dedicated he is.

Who Cares for the Mentally Ill?

On March 26, 2012, David Kyle Miller was arrested by Fort Bragg police officers for “refusing or failing to leave land, real property, or structure of another, not open to the public.” In plain words,…
