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Eleven Days

What's the connection between a 16th century Pope and the songwriter of “War,” Edwin Starr? Absolutely nothing, of course. As any Baby Boomer can tell you, “Absolutely nothing,” is the lyrical response line to Starr's…

Bochy Dreams

Bruce Bochy, a pleasant slow moving man, is the longtime manager of the San Francisco Giants. A former catcher known for his gruffness rather than the poetry of his speech, Bruce seems much older than…

Asians & Abalone

Abalone poaching is a multi-ethnic enterprise, but the perception in Mendocino County is that Asians do most of it. Do they, or is it racism talking? Dung Tri Bui's all-white jury wasn't polled on their…

Fire & Water Out Of Balance

A few miles east of Mt. Shasta, in an area called Coonrod Flat, a McCloud River tributary called Ash Creek winds its way through this uplands meadow, which is dotted with ponderosa pines and incense…

Letters (Sep 24, 2014)

The Point Arena School Board Meeting was like a really bad reality show!

Petra Schulte from Fort Bragg Unified Schools gave a presentation regarding the importance of students having a healthy diet and exercise. During the presentation Superintendant Cross fiddled with her computer looking completely bored. At the end Trustee DeWilder stated, “I prefer a McDonald's hamburger, fries and a coke, it just tastes better.”

Off the Record (Sep 24, 2014)

ALL I GOTTA SAY is some people have an awful lotta time on their hands. Seriously, by the time you got the costume on and all chained up to the wheel of love, wouldn't you just want to go to sleep?

Valley People (Sep 24, 2104)

CONNOISSEURS of wacky public meetings might want to attend the Health Center’s meetings as its overlarge board of trustees goes all sphinx on locals trying to pry info out of them. This is what happens: The locals “vent” as the trustees look back at them as if they’re not there. The eight sphinxes don’t look angry or amused or haughty or anything at all other than blindly disinterested. It’s weird, and twice as weird when you know that the 8 Health Center sphinxes have known everyone in the audience for many years. It would be as if your family and friends suddenly began looking at you as if you weren’t there. Kinda eerie, actually, like out of a horror movie.

Happy Anniversary!

The Anderson Valley Foodshed is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! As the importance of eating and producing local food grows incrementally, so do the hands-on activities of the Foodshed. The 9th annual C’mon Home…

Bird’s Eye View (Sep 24, 2014)

Well, it’s a month into the school year and, as far as I can ascertain, the school is performing remarkably well both in the classroom and in their sporting endeavors. G.P.A.’s above 3.0 abound among the student athletes and the sports” teams are enjoying great success. The girls” volleyball team has just one loss while the boys soccer and football teams both have 100% winning records, and girls soccer, while having a mixed won/loss record, have come a long way since their two-girl first practice a month or so ago! Our small rural high school never ceases to amaze me. and thankfully it’s far more often than not for good reasons!
