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Anderson Valley Advertiser

December First Friday Artwalk-Ukiah

December 5, from 5-8 pm in Ukiah Enjoy one or all of the venues, art, music, and refreshments! UKIAH VALLEY ARTIST COOPERATIVE GALLERY Kathleen Gordon Burke enjoys painting in the old masters style of…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov 22, 2014

Iacuaniello Loses;
Visit Mendocino;
Winter Market;
Red Phil Removed;
Red Tags Removed;
MendoVito Reception;
Catch of the Day;
Winter Burning;
Immigration Changes;
Disrespecting Democracy;
Loophole King;
Feinstein Delays

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Nov 21, 2014

Rainy Days;
Affinitos Sell;
Still Counting;
Harvest Time;
Tuition Hikes;
ACA Numbers;
MendoVito EIR;
Christmas Trees;
Official Inflation;
Prison Shellgame;
Pain Map;
Cute Cult;
Catch of the Day;
Another Cat;
Your Overlords;
Moral Courage

Cloverdale Art Courses

at the Cloverdale Arts Alliance starting in January! Beginning in January, the Cloverdale Arts Alliance is pleased to present an 8-week after-school Art Course for children and an 8-week evening course for adults. The instructor…

Drink Wine, Save Salmon

Please join Whitethorn Winery and Sanctuary Forest for the 2nd annual Drink Wine, Save Salmon wine tasting fundraiser! The event will be held on November 28th and 29th from 1-5 p.m. at Whitethorn Winery, and…

Mendocino Talking: Doug Mosel

Since landing in Mendocino County, Doug Mosel has involved himself in several worthwhile community projects: running the successful Measure H campaign against GMOs; co-founding the Agriculture & Ecology Hour on KZYX; and most recently creating the Mendocino Grain Project where he farms, mills and distributes locally-grown grains and flour to CSA members of the project and local stores.
