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Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec 18, 2014

Ted Galletti;
Old Acquaintances;
Frost Protection FAQ;
Winter Solstice;
AVHC Healing;
Marshall's Plea;
FB Robbery;
Catch of the Day;
Green Day;
Lobbyist Dellums;
Movie Threats;
NCRA Dispute;
Cuba Normalization;
Bubble Economy;
The Storm;
Oil Trains;
Stream Restoration;
Winning Buds;
Pump Stickers

Block Freeway Report

We marched from downtown Berkeley down University Avenue towards the Bay. At the extended entry ramp to the Eastshore freeway from University Avenue we were met for at least the third night in a row by at least 100 Berkeley Police in full on stormtrooper riot gear. This night the march on University to block the freeway seemed closer to 3,000 which was more than any other night. Perhaps due to a critical mass of sheer numbers the people collectively figured out we should make a quick left on sixth street in front of the police blockade and then a quick right toward the footbridge at aquatic park that goes over the Eastshore Freeway.

Disturbing the Peace

I’d prefer not to call the cops. I don’t have anything against cops and I don’t fear them. Some of my friends and relatives are cops, like most people probably. It’s a big industry. I’d…

New Rules on the Farm

Unusually balmy weather haunted Anderson Valley at least through the end of November, a phenomenon I witnessed first hand touring the gardens of friends who still had tomatoes and peppers blooming and fruiting after Thanksgiving.…

Sultans of the Stick

One of the longest milliseconds I ever lived through came before the beginning of the Dies irae from Mozart’s Requiem. The members of the Stanford Chorus crowded onto the risers at the back of the…

AVHC Board Meeting (with Agenda)

The December meeting of the AVHC Board will be held today, Wednesday, December 17 at the Rose Room at the Anderson Valley Museum at 5:30 p.m. Meeting Agenda 5:30-5:35 Call to order, Introductions, Establish Quorum, Approval of…

The Bubble Whisperer of Anderson Valley

A couple years back at an abundant Memorial Day Weekend party on Mendocino Ridge, I noticed winemaker Arnaud Weyrich of Roederer Estate sampling the random red wines on Anne Fashauer’s table with a Champagne flute instead of a regular wine glass.

The Stony Lonesome #5, Criminology Edition

I hate committing crimes. I really do. It's scary and nerve-racking and guilt inducing and, well — wrong. This is why I fling myself headlong and heedless into the most doomed, idiotic, high risk, low…
