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The Stony Lonesome: Death & Clams

It's sad when people die, especially when they are taken violently or unexpectedly. I don't like it when this happens to people I know and I don't like it when I'm forced to participate via…

Phony Baloney from Brennan & Sony

A week ago, two big stories had just broken: "Senate Exposes CIA Torture" and "Sony Chiefs' Racist Emails Revealed."In response —and in concert— the National Security Apparatus denied the torture charge and Sony staged a…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec 31, 2014

Hard Freeze Warning;
Fear of Deranged Mourners;
Weasel Lips;
Vengeful Protest Warning;
Catch of the Day;
Freedom of Speech;
Fear of Offspring;
Out Produced;
Low Fish Count

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec 30, 2014

Ban Adjustments;
CPUC Peevey;
Hands-on Reporter;
Click Bait;
Legless Pigs;
Theodore Galletti;
Stoner Nation;
Fun with Animals;
Industrial Might;
The Trigger;
Washington Square Park;
Catch of the Day;
Police Reports;
Humans v Corporations

Valley People (Dec 30, 2014)

RON SCHRYER has died. A long time resident of the Anderson Valley, Ron, in his middle 70s, lived on Hutsell Road, Boonville. He was the former brother-in-law of late Bruce Hering. GREENWOOD WEST TO ELK…

Mendocino Talking: Todd Walton

I started writing stories when I was six. My first stories were essentially transcriptions of stories I had invented and told to my friends and classmates. I knew from the get go I would have to practice writing, just as one practices a musical instrument, in order to get good at writing stories. By the time I was ten, writing had taken a backseat to sports. I was a total jock until I was fifteen and severely crippled by a disease called ankylosing spondylitis.

The First Hippie

When the rain let up and the sun went down, it started to get cold out. The soggy skies had kept it somewhat milder and sleeping out in the park was OK. Not great, but…
