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Mendocino County Today: Friday, Nov 14, 2014

Artificial Turf;
Laura's Law;
Poopy Water;
Catch of the Day;
Road Fail;
Garden Lights;
Papa's Prayer;
Willits Republicans;
Fox Hunt;
Efficient Transportation;
Capitalism Varieties;
American Pie;
Unbelievably Awesome;
Tomas Young;
Police Reports;
Mendocino College

Cathedrals & Redwoods

Florence, Italy, a city of about 370,000 residents, hosts more than two million visitors a year, and that figure must be a conservative one. Even…

American Music’s Long Strange Trip

For almost a quarter century, Dennis McNally held a job that could be considered an ultimate dream or nightmare, depending on one’s perspective — he…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Nov 13, 2014

Promotional Infighting;
Catch of the Day;
OMG Questions;
PD Arrives;
KZYX Shortcomings;
Laura's Law;
Nation Raping;
Rabies Vaccination;
Nader Radio;
Odets' Knife;
Boondoggle Awards

Helen Libeu (1919-2014)

The adage says: “Well behaved women seldom make history.” Well, Helen Libeu certainly left an impression. She died Halloween night a few days after her…

Sequoia National Park

Last month I spent several days in Sequoia National Park. When most folks hear that name they think: big trees. Yes, the world's largest tree,…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 12, 2014)

I was very pleased and honored to be able to attend the Veterans Day of Remembrance last Sunday morning at the Evergreen Cemetery just outside Boonville. There were around 60 people from a broad range of Valley backgrounds and groups in attendance to pay their respects to those who have given so much so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.
