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Sunday Potluck, AV Grange

The AV Foodshed 3rd Sunday Potluck in March will be followed by a brainstorming session for our upcoming Goat Festival at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Boonville.  Goat Fest will be Sat April 25, in…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Mar 12, 2015

Open Mouth;
AV Basketball;
Teen Fundraiser;
Catch o'the Day;
Sunday Potluck;
School Fundraiser;
Mendo Trash;
Deep Ellum;
Resisting Development;
Understanding MendoVito;
Financial Chicanery;
Musical Skirmish;
Big Brotherhood;
Nuclear Security;
Water Workshop;
Steelhead Demise;
Political Extinction;
Spring Cleaning

Letters (Mar 11, 2015)

The Redwood Valley Water District, has no water rights at this time to pump any water out of Lake Mendocino which belongs to the Russian River Flood Control and Water Improvement District (RRFCD), due to the fact that RRFCD has not declared that there is any surplus water available to the RVCWD at this time. The RVCWD water rights permit does not allow the pumping water from Lake Mendocino at this time due to drought conditions, water flows below the Lake, and also the level of the conservation pool at in Lake Mendocino.

Facing Imazapyr Head-On

On Thursday evening, March 5th, 120 Mendocino residents met at the Comptche Community Center to discuss Imazapyr (a broad spectrum persistent herbicide) used to control/eliminate tanoaks on Mendocino Redwood Company timberlands. The concerns most people…

Mendocino Talking: Tom Liden

I got involved early on with protesting the aerial spraying of herbicides GP and Masonite in the late seventies to kill the hardwood so the softwood would grow up faster. We took over the radio station over on the coast… Peter Bergman from Firesign Theatre was a neighbor of mine and a celebrity that spoke… Barry Vogel, Nat Bingham… we spent the day on the radio educating about herbicides, Agent Orange with Vietnam Vets, and it helped end it. As the forest was being overlogged we watched as the future of logging went away and was replaced with vineyards and wine in terms of creating jobs for this county.

Why I’m an EMT

I became an EMT because of natural disasters I witnessed in the Bay Area. In 1989, I was in an office building near the epicenter of the Loma Prieta earthquake, and saw things happen to…

Meeting Spock

Leonard Nimoy, known to hundreds of millions of people as Spock, died recently at the age of eighty-three. My brother was a huge fan of Star Trek, the television show, and is a gifted impersonator of movie and television celebrities. In high school, he founded the student club STUD—Star Trek Underground Devotees. STUD meetings were essentially showcases for my brother to perform his original wacky versions of Star Trek episodes in which he imitated with uncanny verisimilitude every member of the crew of the starship Enterprise. His Spock was virtually indistinguishable from Nimoy’s Spock.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Gladhanding Fort Bragg;
Clue York;
Poison-tree Ban;
GOP Hostility;
Offensive Error;
Unknown Skull;
Catch o'the Day;
Senior Cellphone;
Rebel Rabble;
NAMI Newsletter;
Jailhouse Wedding;
QE Ponzi;
Paleface Amnesty;
Mass Psychosis;
Leighton Art;
Community Endowments;
MCOG Projects

Sport Chrysler Debt Relief

Last month I wrote about the Fort Bragg City Council meeting of February 9th, and how those who left after only listening to the comments about the Old Coast Hotel project had flunked their Civics…
