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Posts published in “News”

Off the Record (September 2, 2020)

CHRIS SKYHAWK NOTES: "I find it interesting that Marbut ended up working for the Trump administration. I doubt it has any significance but just interesting."…

Fire in Boonville

A giant plume of black smoke off Mountainview Road about a mile from the Anderson Valley High School brought alarmed residents of Boonville out of their…

‘Massive Increase in Abnormal Behaviors…’

Mendocino County Sheriff Matt Kendall said this weekend that Covid is sparking “a massive increase in abnormal behaviors” among citizens, attributable to pandemic fatigue and…

Those Coast Parks & Rec Grants

California State Parks has withheld two grants from the Mendocino Coast Recreation & Parks District (MCRPD) for over two years. Through a prompt response from…

Mendo’s New Homeless Plan

Thirty pages of extremely unreadable bureaucratic detail make up Mendo’s recently published and long-awaited “Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County.” It was presented…

A Few Covid Updates

Miller Report for the Week of August 24th, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital Overall,…

Bay Area Forecast: Lightning Sunday-Tuesday

The National Weather Service - Bay Area (Saturday afternoon) warns that dry lightning and erratic winds caused by thunderstorms expected Sunday morning could spark new…
