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Of Sardines & Sea Lions, Fishermen & NGOs

In Southern and Central California, nearly 2,000 California sea lion pups have struggled ashore this winter, starving and lost because the ocean has been unable to provide enough calories for their mothers to adequately feed…

Letters (Apr 1, 2015)

I’m writing to you as a rural fire chief concerned about a local forestry practice slipping between the cracks of public oversight. I ask for the issue to be discussed and vetted. I want to work with you and industry to find a reasonable solution.

Mad or Mad!

MTC's production of Gaslight is superb, from well-turned out performances, to the Victorian period Set, costumes, makeup, hair, the music, and of course, gas lights that brighten and dim. First nights are not always so great. This one was. I left feeling a certain thrill, part of a secret, on the cutting — did I say slashing? — edge of knowing something that only the rather full-house-for-a-Thursday evening, knew. We had witnessed something special.

The Thematics of Spring Break

Ithaca, New York. — Patches of snow cling to the muddy earth in the city’s picturesque nineteenth-century cemetery just. In the nearby gorge the creek builds momentum ever hour as the thaw gathers force. Just beyond…

The Way It Used To Be: 1957

Toronto -- Old Woodbine Race Track. There's never been enough emphasis on horse racing. If it were only so simple, so quick to the quick, but only in stories. Just getting to the track was…

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 1, 2015)

Rumors have it that as many as three, four, or perhaps even all five seats on the School Board may be up for election later this year. I cannot confirm this, and some of the numbers certainly sound a little far-fetched, but it’s what I’ve heard from a couple of sources so I guess we’ll see.

The Fire Next Time

Ted R. Williams has written an inspired letter to the Board of Supervisors concerning the danger posed by dead tanoaks on Mendocino Redwood Company's timberlands in the county. As a result, it is reported that…
