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Off The Record (July 8, 2015)

THE RECALL of Fort Bragg mayor, Dave Turner, has stalled. Papers suspiciously not filed on time, too many “strong” personalities dominating recall meetings, alienating people unhappy with Turner's arrogant, heedless tenure, during which staffers have…

Last Week’s Island Mountain Raids

Last week’s tri-county marijuana cultivation raids in the Island Mountain area have drawn a lot of attention, not only locally but statewide. Mother Jones, the New York Times and many others have all taken note…

Letters (July 8, 2015)

Last week the Ukiah Daily Journal reported that Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency has delayed its implementation of Laura’s Law, which was scheduled to begin July 1, citing more time was needed to put the program in place.

Valley People (July 8, 2015)

NEED A BRAND NEW ROOF, $7800 value? California Shingle and Shake is holding a fundraising raffle for our friend Turk Turkelson, a local roofing contractor. He has recently been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. In…

Bird’s Eye View (July 8, 2015)

Mild rumblings continue to circulate around the Valley regarding the new-ish barn alongside Highway 128 opposite Breggo Cellars that was constructed, according to “investigative reporter” David Severn, neither strictly to code nor its stated usage by owner Tim Mullins of Balo/LiveOak, etc.

Bubbles & Blobs

As I was walking home from town today, it occurred to me that nothing can prepare us for what is going to happen very soon in California, because nothing like what is about to happen has ever happened before. Forty million people did not live in California the last time, if there ever was a last time, so little water flowed in our rivers. Millions of cows were not being raised here, and millions of acres of water-hungry crops, including alfalfa to feed those millions of cows, were not being grown here during previous mega-droughts. Yes, there have been a few longish droughts in the last century and a half, but nothing like the current drought.

Law & Disorder

It is alleged that Frank and Patricia Thomas had five greenhouses full of marijuana plants, 2,648 in all, 527 pounds of processed bud, 212 pounds of shake — which used to be of negligible value…

Marble Mountain Wilderness

“The whole landscape appears to have been formed by some mighty convulsion of the earth that has thrown up numerous spurs or broken ranges of mountains to the height of from 7,000 feet to 9,000…

The Stony Lonesome: A Coastal Home Companion

And now the news from Fort Bragg, where the women are patient, the men spend a lot of time at home, and the children are around here somewhere… It's officially summer and the marijuana is already as high as a Doberman's thigh. It's expected to be a bumper crop this year if you talk to Rollie Deschutes down at the Weed Feed 'n' Seed as some do, though I wouldn't recommend it, given the condition of his oral hygiene… Rollie's let himself "go to pot," so to speak, since that big disappointment with the VFW poetry contest in the early spring. Turned out the whole thing was a fever dream brought on by a surfeit of immature peyote buttons served to him in the guise of Brussel sprouts by his practical joking cousin Ephraim. Rollie's 5,000-word ode to jellybeans, written entirely in squid ink on discarded plywood sheets, will be on display at the back of the store until August.
