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Fort Bragg Politics

At the last Fort Bragg city council meeting I apparently called Scott Dietz our esteemed councilman a criminal. The following day he confronted me with this at the public works committee meeting, which I was…

Getting Off The Pharmaceuticals

In the last 20 years there has been a proliferation of psychiatric drugs prescribed in the United States, not only by psychiatrists but by general practitioners. Anti-depressants, specifically SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like Prozac have become commonplace, and anti-anxiety medications are also popular. Not to be excluded are anti-psychotics used mostly for psychosis and schizophrenia.

No One Ever Intends to Suffer

We can all agree on some basic facts: Eureka is a seaside town, rundown in some places, charming in others, dotted here and there with the stately form of some impressive architecture. There’s often fog.…

Prejudice & Mistaken Identity

It’s not unusual, however unfair, for people to look askance at outsiders who dress, talk, or act differently, especially if they come in groups. One such group, commonly known as Gypsies, have been maligned, even…

Letters (Nov 11, 2015)

This replies to Mr. Peter Brown’s letter to the Ukiah Daily Journal Editor of October 28 that Dollar General should be allowed to build one of its 9100 Square box stores in Redwood Valley because, to paraphrase, “the rules are the rules, and Dollar General has complied with the rules.”

Harper Lee’s ‘Go Set A Watchman’

Propaganda. The motivation for this book is obviously Ms. Lee's desire to ameliorate the national media clamor against the southern states brought on by the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education. A…

Network of Spies

Willie Fisher was born in 1903 at Benwell, Newcastle upon Tyne, the second son of a man who had been a revolutionary agitator alongside Vladimir Lenin in the 1890s in Saint Petersburg. Charged with sedition,…

Nephew Of Avarice, Once Removed

As an addict — as a dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying, ginuwine, for-real, tweak-seeking meth-missile — I have been known to take some fairly extreme measures to acquire the necessary chemicals in order to harmonize my various physical…
