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Mendocino County Poor Farm

In 1904 California state government provided a framework in law ordering Boards of Supervisors to construct, officer (administer), and maintain hospitals and almshouses to provide for indigent, sick and dependent poor and for such purpose they could levy tax. If the county found the so-called indigent person actually had access to income the county could take that person to court to recover the cost of their care.

Letter From Madrid

Spain celebrates Three Kings Day on January 6, with a big procession in the middle of the city. But Spain also celebrates Christmas on Dec. 25, and New Year’s Eve, even has a universal holiday cake to be dutifully carried to family gatherings — a ring-shaped white flour cake called roscon, with candied fruit bits on top. The bakeries of Madrid all displayed it to prove a point: one cannot get through Deep Winter Holidays on cake alone.

Stevenswood Sous Chef Takes A Dive

It's a hell of a thing when your day is ruined before you even get your pants on. It's even heller of a thing when something so commonplace as a cup of coffee can determine…

Two Good Movies

Twenty years ago at a party in San Francisco, the host introduced me to a man named Jack and said, “You are both serious film buffs. Have at it.”

A silence fell and I realized Jack was waiting for me to begin, so I said, “I just saw Basquiat. Didn’t believe it or like it, and I thought the paintings of his they chose to show were ill-chosen.”

Reading Room Blues

I’ve always loved the reading rooms of great libraries: the busy hush of research underway; the reluctance of old pages being turned; the furtive glances at the mysterious materials laid out on the desk alongside and at the person who’s ordered them; the fleeting eye contact made over the top of tomes

Bird’s Eye View (Feb 10, 2016)

We are already at Valentine’s Day; February 14 is this coming Sunday, and yet the year seems as if it began yesterday. In fact some folks are still wishing me a Happy New Year! Valentine’s is of course a day to express love and affection, and we all need some of that, particularly curmudgeonly Turkey Vultures like myself, so I am expecting lots of hugs over the next few days. Don’t be bashful.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb 10, 2016

New Hampshire Primary;
Kemper Discussion;
Shelter Inaction;
Drug Choices;
Possession Of;
Yesterday's Catch;
Water Bond;
Crybaby Brat;
Yellowstone Wolves;
Ending Homelessness;
Taxing Wealth;
Public Civility;
Hillary's Record;
KZYX Elects

Coast Hospital To Seek Parcel Tax

By now it is no secret that Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has put its toes in the water to test the public's temperature about a parcel tax that might raise between $1.5 and $3…
