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Love – In Other Words by Harper Lee

Here's to Harper and Boo Radley and the flower of divine justice, which must be watered with the blood of traitors and thieves, one soft ungrateful throat at a time.

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Feb 20, 2016

Spurling Episode;
Dry February;
Shelter Proposal;
Honesty Issue;
Interview Subject;
Oak Trees;
Feb17 Catch;
Feb18 Catch;
Yesterday's Catch;
Justice Reading;
Steelhead Spotted;
Cape Breton;
Harper Lee;
Corporate Welfare;
Embracing Renewables;
Rummage Sale;
Multi Payer;
Marco Radio;
Justice Perks

Museum Road Show

[March] Tickets now on sale for the 3rd annual Museum Road Show! Take a lighthearted romp through vice, debauchery and politics in the early days of our county. Premiering in 5 locations throughout March. Now…

Disaster Squared

US-Backed Rebels Fight One Another In Northern Syria

Broadband Bill Needs Support

As everyone knows, legislation passed in Sacramento affects broadband in our rural counties. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has a program called the "California Advanced Services Fund” (or CASF) grant program to help fund infrastructure build out in high cost areas such as rural counties.

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Feb 19, 2016

Strong Thunderstorms;
False Spring;
Tribal EPA;
Education Office;
Warrant Wednesday;
Look Back;
Shelter Pics;
Homeless Stats;
FB Projects;
Constitutional Crisis;
Clinton Platform;
Scalia Legacy;
Dem Dogmas;
Green Jill;
PA Agenda;
County Investments;
Drinky Drinky;
Trumpty Dumpty;
Dem Debate;
Feb14 Catch;
Feb15 Catch;
Feb16 Catch

Writers Conference

Registration begins Tuesday, March 15 for the 27th Annual Mendocino Coast Writers Conference held August 4-7 at the Mendocino College - Mendocino Coast Campus in Fort Bragg. The Mendocino Coast Writers Conference (MCWC) features award-winning…
