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Valley People (Feb 24, 2016)

WE HEARD that Bobby Owens, Boonville native son and grounds supervisor at the Boonville Fairgrounds, and a guy I've known since he toddled over to my house to play basketball when he was still in…

Panthers Again In Playoffs

PLAYOFF GAME TIME: AV (#2) meets North Hills Christian (#15) (Vallejo) this Wednesday (Feb 24th) at 7 pm at the Anderson Valley HS gym.

Reviewing the results, the DIV VI playoff bracket is a smorgasbord of teams and well represented by four NCL III teams. The only downside is there are 10 private schools selected.

FOSL-ized In The Pygmy

I've been having some trouble sleeping lately. The pattern goes as follows: I fall easily and deeply asleep at about 10:30 and then pop fully awake at about 2:45 — the dark one — thence…

Two Virgins In Las Vegas

“Wanna meet some pretty ladies today, mister?” I turn to see a brown-skinned woman with a leathery Zoltec face. She should be singing ancient lullabies to dozing grandchildren about to be sacrificed to the Sun, around a slow crackling fire. Instead she’s outside Planet Hollywood Hotel & Casino touting two-for-one drink coupons for a strip club/money laundering scheme called Twin Peeks.

Anniversaries of Justice

February marks the passing of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, but it also is the anniversary of two other notable moments in the history of courts and the service of justice. In the first…

What Stood Out

At 7:30 this morning I went out the door of #518 on my way to work. I usually come and go via the stairs, but today, my hands full, and thinking the wood I was carrying might prove awkward in the stairwells, I came down by elevator instead.

The Hollowness Of Loss

I first met the celebrated American composer Steven Stucky not in Ithaca, where we have both lived for the past twenty years, but in Los Angeles on February 26, 1995. I arrived in Ithaca later that year; Steve had taken up what proved to be a more than three-decade-long post as professor of music at Cornell back in 1980 after doing his doctorate in composition at the university in the 1970s.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016

Cryer Resigns;
Open Government;
Advocate-Beacon Homeless;
Local Wildlife;
Bias Plying;
Shelter Story;
Not News;
Ukiah Costco/Palace;
Downtown Boonville;
County Pensions;
Weather Shelter;
Ukiah Vacancies;
Dunakin Sentenced;
Yesterday's Catch;
Barbara Yaley;
Rising Seas;
The Bern;
Public Safety;
Nevada Squeaker;
Tweeker Alert;
Industrial Death;
Vaccination Numbers;
Gun Bill;
Restoration Agriculture;
Americana Night;
Eco Revolution

Who Needs ASOs?

Last Tuesday the Board of Supervisors spent most of the day trying to deal with the highly anticipated Kemper report regarding Mendo’s disastrous privatization of mental health services. The most frequently heard platitudes centered on…
