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Ozzie & Harriet Hit The Beach

My first real job might have been the best I ever had. Armed with a brand-new first driver's license, I delivered groceries and booze to the stars. Or, at least, a couple of them. Besides John Wayne, for example, there was Ozzie and Harriett Nelson.

Mendolake Food Hub

A typical morning for a produce manager at a grocery store may begin like this: coffee, inventory check, phone call, place an order with a large distributor, done. It takes only moments to order a…

Tule Elk Won’t Stay In The Tules

You think hitting a deer is bad? Try hitting an elk. Laytonville County Water District Manager (and editor of the Mendocino Observer weekly newspaper in Laytonvile) Jim Shields at the County’s General Government meeting on…

Springtime In Indiana

Spring blossoms all around, circling and curing the brief bout with March Madness we experienced this year in the realm of Hoosier hysteria. On Good Friday, the time according to pagan tradition to plant potatoes,…

Mental Health In A Pickle

Doug Gherkin is “Chief Financial Officer” for Mendo’s Health and Human Services Agency. Until recently, before Stacey Cryer announced her resignation as HHSA Director, Ms. Cryer dealt with Supervisors’ questions about HHSA finances — albeit…

The Beard Craze

Okay, what is it with the beards? As a fashion trend, it seems a lot of young guys are sporting them. Of course there have always been men with beards, though usually older. Some because…

The Way It Was: 1985

The Far hills, Mendocino County — In 1985 I knew a guy who tried to grow the devil-weed in a wildcat location, in the far hills. He walked for two hours to work, over hills, through…

Ithaca To Berlin with Hank Mobley

It took me sixteen hours door-to-door in automobile, plane and subway train to get from my house in the center of New York state to this apartment in the center of Berlin. Last time I…

Wasn’t The Jail’s Fault

A $25 million lawsuit, brought by the son of a Mendocino County Jail inmate who was found dead in his cell in 2014, was rejected by a US District Court judge earlier this month. The…
