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Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Apr 14, 2016

Cold Front;
Fjord Burger;
FB Special Meetings;
GJ on PA;
Police Reports;
Radio Finances;
Craig Keiser;
Firefighter Medal;
Coastal Trail Guide;
Yesterday's Catch;
Yes on W;
Cannabis Goals;
Capt Cass;
Merle Haggard;
Hilicon Valley;
Tunnels Meetings;
Reckless Clinton;
Suzi Art;
Verizon Freeloaders

You’re Next, Canada!

Hillary Clinton Says Honduras Coup Not Illegal In Daily News Editorial Board Interview

Pacific Chamber Ensemble

[Apr 24] The group will perform two gems of the chamber music repertoire, Brahm's C minor Piano Quartet and Mendelssohn's Piano Trio in D minor. Both works are full of graciously melodic lines.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Apr 13, 2016

5150 Numbers;
Oz Bond;
News Vultures;
Crime Victims;
Yesterday's Catch;
Jah Canada;
PG&E Flyovers;
Network Dependent;
Droned Again;
Chamber Music;
Thistle Pickers;
PD Crazy Question;
Redwood Valley Grange;
Measure U

What Are They Hiding?

Not many noticed, but part way into the March 31st Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting two members of that body's Finance Committee got up and left. One of those Finance Committee members…

Bernie Brigades

So I’m driving home from my acupuncture treatment and I come to the stoplight at the south end of Fort Bragg and here are a dozen people on the west side of the highway with signs saying Honk For Bernie, Volunteer for Bernie, Learn About Bernie, and I’m honking my little old horn, and the people are smiling and waving, and the excellent effects of my acupuncture treatment are amplified by a release of endorphins as I imagine Bernie Sanders becoming President of the Unites States and millions of people, old and young, black and brown and white, who have been disenfranchised for their entire lives finally having someone leading the country who wants to help them.
