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Posts tagged as “sex crime”

Off the Record 7/22/2009

CLINT SMITH appeared in court last Thursday, the Honorable Clay Brennan presiding, presiding in the Willits branch of the Mendocino County Superior Court over what's…

When Love Freezes Over

Remember when motherhood was sacred? When it was simply unthinkable that Mom's underwear could possibly be Exhibit A in open court? No more. There it…

To Kill a Predator

There's not much dispute about what happened on Fort Bragg's Farrer Lane the night of February 8—the night Aaron Vargas killed Darrell McNeill with a…

The Leggett High School Sex Scandal

LEGGETT will probably have to lobby the DA's office to get the DA to pursue charges against Jeremiah 'Miah' Sotelo, Leggett's "pedi-texter," as Leggett's young…

Trouble In Leggett

Leggett is a small place. If it were any smaller it wouldn't have its own school system, and everyone wouldn't know everyone else. But the…
