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Posts tagged as “Jerry Brown”

Off the Record

Sonoma County's most prominent (and most expensive) defense attorney, Chris Andrian, couldn't keep 27-year-old Lyndsay Murray-Mazany out of three years and eight months in the state pen.

Off the Record

THE FOCUS TODAY, dear reader, is on the local elec­tion results in the broader context of the great outside political world.

The Twilight of Obama-Time

The sun rises this week on a new American land­scape, the same way it rose on a new American land­scape almost exactly two years ago.…

Print & Save: How to Vote in November

We recommend NO votes on all incumbents, beginning with Jerry Brown who, after all his years in government, is an incumbent of the ultimate officeholding…

Giants, the Series & Duh, the Election

Count me among the folks who are seriously unmoved by next week’s looming election. Not even the marijuana legalization measure or the possible return to…

Oh The Things Our Handlers Propose To Us

Once again it’s time for us warm up for that sacro­sanct American leisure activity, the trip to the polls! But since this journey always incurs…

Northstone Organics Targeted?

"Next week if they take my medical cannabis I will be pissed off and demand they give it back!" --Angel Raich, Northstone Organics patient Angel…

Off the Record

This week: Tim Lincecum and his pipe, Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty, Mendocino County's man-beater of the week, and much more.

Big Ag’s Couple Banks On Brown, Feinstein: The Resnicks Manipulate Water Policy with Big Campaign Contributions

Delta advocates fear that campaign contributions from Stewart Resnick and other big water interests could heavily influence Jerry Brown, the potential winner of the gubernatorial race in the November election, and his positions on the construction of more dams and the November $11.1 billion water bond. They also fear Resnick could pressure Brown to support legislative and administrative attacks on federal plans protecting Delta smelt and Central Valley salmon.
