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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (April 7, 2021)

JOE WILDMAN: It is with a very heavy heart that I relay to you the news that Joe Louis Wildman passed away this morning (4/4).…

County Notes: Studies In Irrelevance

Measure B was passed onto law more than three years ago, November of 2017. The idea, a simple one since complicated beyond all reason by…

What Really Happened, A Dialogue

JOHN McCOWEN on what really happened during his last week in office:  The issue was never return of property. It was about the petty and…

Off the Record (March 31, 2021)

SIGNS OF THE TIMES, add this one found under a Ukiah bridge on an abandoned diner seat cushion: “My name is Kam. I'm really lost!…

County Notes (March 24, 2021)

Supervisor Williams: “’In November 2017, Measure B passed with 85% in favor of taxing ourselves to generate tens of millions to support mental health services.…

Off the Record (March 24, 2021)

IT WOULD be interesting to learn where Mendo people get their covid information. Nothing against the Mendo medical apparatus, whose meandering directives are confusing and…

Supes Hire Another Pot Manager

Based on experience and qualifications, it appears that the Supervisors have made a good choice in hiring Ms. Kristin Nevedal of Garberville, ground zero for…

Fast & Loose: The Doohan Deal That Wasn’t

CONTRARY to last Tuesday's report out of Closed Session, the AVA has learned that the 18 parcels at 537 Parducci Road owned by the McGehee…

Off the Record (March 17, 2021)

JUDGE BRENNAN has recused himself from the Caspar dog shooter case. Judge Moorman is now in charge of the grisly matter that managed to outrage…
