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Posts tagged as “region”

From Whodunit to District Dissolution

The Mendocino Coast Health Care District (MCHCD) and its board of directors have sunk to new depths of dysfunction. At the February 24th regular board meeting something of a whodunit arose after Board Chair Amy…

County Notes (March 3, 2022)

BEFORE WE SAY FAREWELL to CEO Angelo we should also note how much money she stands to make off of Mendocino’s precarious pension fund. We know of two ways to calculate pensions for County employees…

Off the Record (March 2, 2022)

THERE’S MORE OPPOSITION on the streets of Moscow to the Russian invasion of Ukraine than there was in the US over the regime change operation in Libya or the bombings of Syria or Somalia or…

Valley People (March 2, 2022)

AT WHAT POINT does endless summer become oppressive? For me, early January 2022. As we go to press this week, it’s 70 degrees on the valley floors but last week there were mini-blizzards up in…

COVID Pandemic on the Decline

While there are a few hot spots still in the world where death rates from COVID are climbing, the overall national picture is one for careful optimism.  The indicators that matter most, hospitalization rates and…

Hate Speech Nonsense: The Solutions

A month ago I wrote a column featuring former County Supervisor John McCowen’s thoughts on retiring CEO Carmel Angelo’s tenure in Mendo County. As I said then, a number of authoritarian, PC lunatics called McCowen’s…

Red Beard Gets 25 to Life

Serial Coastal Thief Guilty Of Assault On A Sheriff’s Deputy With A Firearm; Will Receive Three Strikes Life Sentence. Defendant William Allan Evers, age 40, most recently a coastal transient, admitted Friday morning in the…

People’s Park, Boonville

Last week’s story of the Boonville People’s Park background promised that this week would reveal the details of the $178,000 funding recently awarded to the Park. The whole money trail started when Anderson Valley Community…

Sherwood Oaks’ New Lease On Life

Sherwood Oaks, the Mendocino Coast's only nursing home, appears to have a new lease on life after announcements made at a special Mendocino Coast Healthcare District board of directors meeting Feb. 17. The 75-bed facility…
