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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (August 9, 2023)

A FRIEND SAYS, “This is the best JFK assassination documentary ever made. It’s meticulously researched, full of details and leaves no doubt whatsoever as to who did the shooting.” Here's the link to the video:…

Valley People (August 9, 2023)

THE ABOVE photo was posted on Facebook by Denise Brendlin who wondered, "Is this the same Charles Davis we went to school with [in Boonville]." NO, the NBA Charles Davis is 6'7". The Boonville Charles…

Eileen Pronsolino on the History of Wine in Anderson Valley

The Anderson Valley Historical Society has been presenting a series of talks to the public about different aspects of Anderson Valley history.  Eileen Pronsolino recently gave a wonderful talk on the early years of winegrowing…

Water, Water Everywhere (But Here…)

With the Mendocino Unified School District (MUSD) assuming authority for Mendocino City Community Services District’s (MCCSD) $5 million, publicly funded water supply and storage project, a project initiated by MCCSD in 2021 to meet Mendocino’s…

’Nuthin’s Happenin’ Here’

Immigrants have been coming to California for centuries, enduring journeys of thousands of miles by walking months or years through dangers and deprivations you and I can scarcely comprehend. “Americans” were living in a land…

Hot, Pot, and a Lot

Quick weather note In case you’re wondering about our warm weather, you should know that since June 29th we’ve had 10 days at or above 100 degrees. Global warming or just regular, old summer patterns?…

County Notes: Employees Union Authorizes A Strike

According to a notice on Saturday from the Union’s negotiating committee, a surprising 92.4% of all members (not just of voting members) of the County employees union SEIU 1021 have voted to authorize a strike…

Off the Record (August 2, 2023)

PROMINENT COAST REALTOR, PAM HUDSON, lost big recently in the superior courtroom of Judge Nadel. Not a complicated case but confirmed in the usual mound of legal paperwork confirming that Ms. Hudson looted the family…

Valley People (August 2, 2023)

DAVID BEGLINGER, who previously lived in Anderson Valley, was honored at a memorial luncheon at the Beach Chalet on the Great Highway in San Francisco last week. His brother Jim Beglinger, an architect, organized the event for those…
