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Posts tagged as “region”

New Fort Bragg Mural: ‘From Finland To Fort Bragg’

The mural is located on a south-facing wall in the alleyway off the 300 block of N Franklin Street. It will depict one strand of Fort Bragg’s interwoven history: Finnish immigration during the late 1800s…

Excised Justice; What Is The Fire Tax?

We are already seeing fallout from the sweetheart plea deal in the case of former Ukiah Police Department Sergeant Kevin Murray orchestrated by Mendocino County D.A. David Eyster, Murray’s lawyer, and ratified by Superior Court…

Outsourcing Ukiah Police Chief Search

During its last regular meeting, the Ukiah City Council approved the hiring of a Placer County firm to assist in the search for a new, permanent chief of the Ukiah Police Department. According to the…

County Notes: ‘Get Cubbison’ Effort Flops

THE BIG SHOWDOWN between the Supervisors and Auditor-Tax Collector Chamisse Cubbison devolved into another fizzle Tuesday morning after the feisty Cubbison gave the Board her blunt initial reaction to their catch-all list of things they…

Off the Record (Sept. 21, 2022)

“WHICH COMMANDMENTS of Jesus are ignored the most”? I was startled this morning when the above question popped up on top of Mendocino County Today our on-line daily news wrap. I could only remember about…

Valley People (Sept. 21, 2022)

SERVICES FOR ALICE PEDERSEN FASHAUER will be October 9th. 11:00 AM at the Ukiah Seventh-day Adventist Church, followed by a potluck gathering at our vineyard at approximately 2:00PM. MENDO DA BACKS CASH STRAPPED AV AMBULANCE:…

DA & Judge: ‘Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes’

I’m sure you’ve all been following the miscarriage of justice that occurred this past week with the sweetheart plea bargain and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of former UPD Sergeant Kevin Murray, a guy who is clearly a…

Giving Credit Where It Is Due

Remember a month ago when Mendocino County Supervisors created an uproar by asking the state Controller to step in and take a hard look at County finances?  Things seemed so bad then that the public…

County Notes: Going Ballistic

We have received the County’s response to our Public Records Act request for the documents associated with the Board Chambers Remodel project, a months-long project which then-CEO Carmel Angelo spearheaded on grounds that post-Covid significantly…
