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Posts tagged as “region”

Sako Faces His Critics

The Board of Directors of Mendocino County Public Broadcasting (MCPB) met last night, March 3. It was an interesting meeting -- in some ways painful, while in other ways cathartic. It was a long meeting.…

Salmon Season Looks Promising

In spite of the record drought, the forecast for recreational and commercial salmon fishing year on the California coast from Horse Mountain in Humboldt County to below Monterey looks relatively good, according to data released…

California Water Report

The Federal government just released their first assessment for water allocations for the coming year in California after the driest year on record since they kept records 118 years ago. The news is historical and…

HumCo: Jail Release Dilemmas

A community forum on county jail release policies put questions to a local panel whose members in turn asked residents to consider what they can do to effect change. Faced with obvious dissatisfaction over late…

Let’s Play Doctor

Last Friday the District Attorney and one of the Judges added medical doctor to their usual job descriptions. It was pretty amazing, really, but all kinds of fantastic changes are underway in the judicial system,…

California’s Water Pathology

Speaking at the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s once-every-other-month meeting in the north Santa Rosa burbs on January 30th, California State Water Resources Board member Steven Moore characterized California’s drought as a natural…

Off The Record (Mar 5, 2014)

THE STATE Public Utilities Commission has rejected a $138 million initiative to bring high-speed internet to roughly 150,000 rural California households, including 3,520 homes in Sonoma and Mendocino counties. Mendo's Broadband Alliance has worked long…

Mendo’s Secret Water Meeting

This past Monday, elected officials and public services staff people from throughout inland Mendocino County met with at least five of the State of California's highest ranking regulatory officials who deal with water issues. It…
