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Posts tagged as “region”

Off The Record (Apr 2, 2014)

THE HISTORIC Wilbur Hot Springs resort near the Lake-Colusa county line was mostly destroyed by fire Saturday morning. Lately owned by Dr. Richard Miller, a kind of new age therapist and audio woo-woo peddler for KZYX public radio, Philo, Wilbur Hot Springs began life as a respectable resort for city folks in 1863.

Off The Record (Mar 26, 2014)

A PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER named Jonathan Hayes of Sacramento has filed a $100k-plus claim against Mendocino County for the injuries his client, Gregory Bergman, suffered from being shot by former Mendocino Deputy District Attorney Damon…

Lunch With Dead Dog

As of March 18th, the County of Mendocino has taken in $2,618,806.41 in dope fines. The idea is to trade drug cash for misdemeanors and probation. This way, the thinking goes, local taxpayers are not…

Humco Wants Daylight Jail Release

The county is backing a new State Assembly bill that would authorize county sheriffs to allow jail inmates to stay in jail long enough to be released during daylight hours. The bill was one of…

A Good Day For Coastal Mendocino

For everyone who attended the dedication ceremony on the Stornetta Lands just north of Point Arena, it is ‘a dream come true.’ The California Coastal National Monument had indeed come ashore. Until that day, March…

Chaney’s Previous Arrests

Local records show that Eugene police arrested Chaney on March 6 on charges of unlawful possession of the drug ecstasy and unlawful possession or concealment of firearms. Chaney was booked and released that same day…
