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Posts tagged as “region”

Final Arguments

The check fraud case against Christopher Mulcahy continued to crawl through Judge Behnke’s court last week with all the drama of a snail’s progress through a vegetable patch. Late in the week, DA David Eyster…

Off the Record (May 28, 2014)

MENDOCINO COUNTY is less broke than it has been, CEO Carmel Angelo told her captive board of supervisors last week. Supervisor John McCowen didn't leap to his feet to shout hossanahs, but he did express…

The Politics of Hypocrisy

In February 2013, Mendocino County Supervisor John McCowen visited the now-famous tree sit of Amanda “The Warbler” Senseman south of Willits. Senseman, a 25-year-old goat and vegetable farmer who now works growing produce for Willits-area…

200+ Schools in Mendocino County?

So an older man asks “My great-aunt told me years ago that when she was a kid she went to the Hiawatha and Minihaha schools in the north county. This was 100 years ago. Was she being truthful? Did these schools really exist and how did schools get named for poet Longfellow’s narratives?”

Calfire Top Heavy

Questions are arising again about the State Requirement Area (SRA) fee, which goes to defer the cost of fighting wildfires in locales without municipal fire departments. Much of Mendocino County, obviously, falls within the so-called…

Brutocao Embezzlement Case Plods On, Jurors Doze

A third week of testimony that only a Scottish banker could follow without falling asleep was lowlighted by close scrutiny of the many checks and other documents defendant Chris Mulcahy may or may not have…

Off the Record (May 21, 2014)

EXCELLENT account on the Mother Jones website by a pioneer HumCo pot grower about how the dream of back-to-the-land, grow-your-own self-sufficiency has become a hydra-headed, destructive monster. “From dawn to dusk, the woods roared grotesquely…
