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Posts tagged as “region”

Drum Demo At Shasta Dam

For the Winnemem Wintu people of the McCloud River watershed (a mighty tributary of the Upper Sacramento River, formed by the southeastern drainage of Mt. Shasta and its stately foothills), the weapon of mass destruction…

Bush Hippies Brawl

It all started at a trimming session during harvest season in Laytonville. It was hot, the pot sticky, the vibe hostile bordering on angry. It was time for a break, a cold beer, some fresh…

Off the Record (Sep 17, 2014)

UKIAH IS PAYING the usual outside consultant $28,524 to “evaluate traffic impacts to affected streets” for the new County Courthouse that no one except the County's nine (count 'em) judges wants. The new Courthouse, as…

Business as Usual For California Water Hogs

The year 2013 was California's driest on record. The first six months of 2014 were the hottest half-year on record. Reservoirs are drying up. Groundwater basins are diminishing at an alarming rate. Yet, the water…

Off the Record (Sep 10, 2014)

SHERIFF TOM ALLMAN told a Laytonville audience last week, "I've never arrested a card-carrying cartel member." He meant, of course, a person who could be linked to a drug cartel. Doubt any cartel people carry…

Boss Kelly

The preliminary hearing for Kelly Boss of Philo ended in a holding order last week, which means the state showed up with enough evidence to make a reasonable person, Ukiah Judge John Behnke in this…

Mendo’s Timber Tentacles

It's been well over a decade since the grape-based alcohol sector first outpaced tree cutting as Mendocino County's dominant state-sanctioned economic sector. This watershed moment — a product of many decades of changes in both…

The Acetone Defense

The first time Peter Richardson went to the venerable Water Trough bar on South State Street in Ukiah was back in the late 1950s or early 1960s (he doesn’t remember the exact year) when he was just a boy. His father had brought him out to California to see the redwood forests, and they stopped at the Water Trough for the bar's famous barbecue. In those days there was a drive-up window, so young Peter didn’t actually go into the now-defunct drinking establishment, but the barbecue was so memorable that he eventually returned as a young adult in the 1970s and has lived here in Mendocino County ever since.
