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Posts tagged as “region”

Red-Riding Hood’s Mommy — A Wolf?

A lot of ghouls come through the Mendocino County Courthouse, scary characters who seem to gallop down from deep in the hills as the rest of us silently wonder: "These guys live here? But every…

Off the Record (Oct 29, 2014)

CALIFORNIA WILL NO LONGER HAVE A POLICY of segregating prison inmates following a lawsuit that claimed the practice was unconstitutional. In the past, prison officers have locked inmates in cells depending on which races were…

The Central Committee

Great Uncle John used to tote his gallon jug to Newgard's Store in Albion once a month to refill it with whiskey. In local election years he packed that jug to town every week. One…

What’s In Your Wallet?

“Nicole Wright?” Not a soul in the crowded courtroom stirred when her name was called. She was just another anonymous fish in drab green jailhouse coveralls. But the apparent Ms. Wright struggled to her feet,…

Off the Record (Oct 22, 2014)

THE WEASELS of the Demo Central Committee are pulling out all the stops to vilify Lindy Peters. As they do everywhere in the County, from school boards to supervisor, the conservative libs try to make all our elected bodies into self-selected, self-perpetuating jobs programs for themselves and their friends. An independent-minded candidate terrifies them.

DA Rips County Counsel

DA David Eyster’s remarks to the Board of Supervisors stunned everyone in earshot (Tuesday, Oct 7) because it’s extremely unusual in Mendocino County for a lawyer to public denounce a fellow lawyer. (Eyster made two…


My grandfather was a sharecropper — otherwise I would have been as ignorant of it as the pot pharmas are who practice it today. It's a holdover from feudalism, established originally in the Southeast US…
