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Posts tagged as “region”

Bicycle Roulette

Gabriel Ray is the man accused of “mowing down” five bicyclists on Old River Road near Hopland last January 30th. The 18-year old has been charged with five counts of assault with a deadly weapon…

Off the Record (Jun 10, 2015)

LAST WEEK, in Mendocino County Superior Court, the City of Fort Bragg presented its defense against a request for a preliminary injunction filed by a group opposing the City Council's decision to pass through State…

KZYX’s Annual Membership Meeting

As the pleasant sunny afternoon of May 4th settled into a mild spring evening, the KZYX Board of Directors met in Ukiah at the Space Theater for its annual meeting with its membership. Absent was…

Smash & Grab

Back in 2007 Supervisor Colfax lead the charge to raise the Board of Supervisors pay from an already generous $48,000 per year to $68,000 per year, Colfax justifying the raise. “When I came on the…

Count Down — Nobody Home

Back in December when the 2015 “Point In Time Count” of Mendo’s homeless population was first discussed, the minutes of the Count Committee meeting stated: “Point-in-Time/Survey Committee: Hand warmers, rain ponchos and snacks [aka “incentive packs” or “little incentive bags” — It seems the homeless didn't spend the measly five bucks “appropriately”] will be given out in place of the $5 incentive [“gift”] card for responding to the survey.

What’s Up at Coast Hospital?

Transparency has become a buzzword to serve the purposes of politicians or those who oppose them. In Fort Bragg, California, it is one of the rallying cries of citizens seeking the ouster of the mayor…

Off the Record (Jun 3, 2015)

TUESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING of the Fort Bragg City Council featured a parade of speakers swearing allegiance to mayor Dave Turner and urging each other to urge their fellow Fort Bragg residents not to sign recall…

Terror In the Vineyard

The Piffero Vineyard was the scene of a benign birthday party that ended unbenignly with the police shooting of Timothy Abshire. On the afternoon of Last November 15th last year, Abshire walked out of his…

Turning Water Into Wine

The unregulated expansion of California’s wine industry into the state’s coastal regions is depleting groundwater supplies and devastating rivers and fisheries. Along the border of Sonoma and Napa counties, roughly seven miles northeast of Santa…
