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Posts tagged as “region”

The Island Mountain Pot Bust

Notes from Friday afternoon’s press conference convened by Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman with participation from Humboldt County Sheriff Mike Downey and Trinity County Sheriff Bruce Haney and a Fish and Game spokesperson who together…

MCPC Signature Drive Fails

The Mendocino Cannabis Policy Council came up short of the 5,004 verified signatures it sought by June 22 to place the Mendocino Cannabis Commission 2015 initiative on the county’s fall ballot. The initiative would have…

Twist in the Tunnels Plan

When Gov. Jerry Brown announced two weeks ago at an Oakland press conference that he would radically downsize a 100,000-acre wetland restoration job, environmentalists and water policy activists blew the foul whistle. The habitat enhancement…

Three Sentencings

Timothy Abshire was held to answer and bound over for trial on three felony counts last week, the most prominent being count one, the attempted murder of a police officer. (Background: There had been…

Off the Record (July 1, 2015)

"JUDGE REFUSES to halt homeless center in Fort Bragg." Haven't seen the judge's decision so it's impossible to evaluate his logic. And, we understand Judge Henderson's ruling will be appealed. However the Old Coast Hotel…

Stepping Up Into Mush

When the Board of Supervisors discussed new expenditures in next year’s County budget on Tuesday, June 16, Supervisor Dan Hamburg said that because County revenues have not fully recovered from the 2008 recession, he would…

California’s Cap-and-Trade Program

California has arguably taken stronger legislative steps to address climate change than any state in the union. Assembly Bill 32 mandates that the state reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. An executive…

The Charmer

The suave, ineffable James Perkins bowed out last week. Took his leave, as it were, from his lovely wife and beloved hometown of Ukiah. Went on a kind of sabbatical, you might say. He’ll be…
