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Posts tagged as “region”

Supes Muddle On

At the December 15 Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Dan Hamburg raised a question during the review of the first quarter budget presentation: Hamburg: “When I was looking over these what really stands out in…

A Dead-End Year For West Coast Fish

Much of the abundance of Pacific Northwest forests, meadows, and waterways is due to the region's fisheries. Salmon, for example, are crucial to the health of river and stream communities. Their carcasses provide enormous quantities…

Off the Record (Dec 30, 2015)

FORT BRAGG'S revived Taco Bell has customers lining up. Literally. And that's what strikes outsiders as odd, very odd. Why would non-starving people stand in line to get imitation Mexican junk food. But FB's Taco…

Pay Raises, Tax Breaks & Firefighter Funding

Comments from last Tuesday’s discussion of proposed big pay raises for the Sheriff and DA. Supervisor Tom Woodhouse, explaining why he supported and sponsored a big raise for the Sheriff and District Attorney: “We are…

A Week At The Mendo Pot-Yacht Club

Navigating the pot laws is always exciting and Sara Fraker’s trial last week was even more like a regatta than most. Ms. Fraker claimed she was only house-sitting at the extensive Robinson Creek Road property…

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2015)

CORRECT ME if I'm wrong, and the odds are… You look at these timber prospectuses that claim the land they're selling can yield something like 21,000 board feet per acre, but isn't that seemingly large…

Stop the Klamath Agreements

The infamous Klamath water Agreements appear to be on their final days. Rumor has it that Tuesday December 15th Senator Greg Walden will attempt to slam through fraudulent legislation for the smoke and mirror Klamath agreement. But there’s a catch. The bill as it stands today will no longer include the language for dam removal, which has been a primary bargained for benefit to signatory tribes to improve historic Klamath River wild salmon runs that have been irreversibly damaged by settler occupancy.

Ortner Denounced

At 9:06 a.m. Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Chair Carre Brown gaveled the Tuesday, December 15th meeting to order then opened the speaker's podium to comments from the public on non-agenda items. Dr. Marvin Trotter,…
