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Posts tagged as “region”

Report From Ground Zero

The January 20th meeting of the County Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) was held at what some might term “ground zero” on the Mendocino Coast. In other words the location was the former Old Coast…

Mendocino County’s Retirement Fund Fiasco

Early reactions to Tuesday’s joint meeting between the Supes and the Retirement Board left several attendees thinking that although the Board's financial expert Ted Stephens knows his stuff, he has a fundamentally conservative view that…

Off the Record (Jan 27, 2016)

AVA COURT REPORTER BRUCE McEWEN and I had lunch Thursday at the attractive and affordable vegetarian restaurant at the City of 10,000 Buddhas in Talmage, formerly the State Hospital at Talmage. As we toured the…

Fort Bragg’s Looming Dragon

At the January 11th Fort Bragg City Council meeting Police Chief Fabian Lizarraga assured the Council, City staff, and the handful of citizens in attendance that the investigation into the death of Dennis Boardman would…

County Has More Mental Health Problems Than Just Privatization

Mendocino County had a host of problems delivering mental health services long before privatization. County staff turnover and the inability to recruit sufficient qualified workers were key issues then and remain key issues today. In…

Shot Down In A Weed Patch

Alejandro Garcia, 33, was shot dead in a “medical” marijuana garden in Covelo last June 29th. A neighbor, John Henry Ross, 66, has been charged with murder. Garcia had suffered multiple gunshot wounds when officers…

Kemper Mental Health Report Delayed Again

According to County CEO Carmel Angelo’s January 12, 2016 report: “In August the Executive Office contracted with Kemper Consulting to perform a review of Mendocino County’s mental health services. At the time the intention was…

Off the Record (Jan 20, 2016)

WONDERFUL ANECDOTE by Alan Haack from the MCN ListServe: Calexico and Mexicali are twin cities on the border of Mexico and California. Calexico, on the California side, has the clean American look with lawns and…
