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Posts tagged as “region”

BOS Watch

As we reported recently, the Board of Supervisors last week put off a decision to allocate some portion of Proposition 172 funds to local fire departments, ambulance services and various hybrid districts like Coast Hospital’s ambulance department in Fort Bragg.

What Are They Hiding?

Not many noticed, but part way into the March 31st Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting two members of that body's Finance Committee got up and left. One of those Finance Committee members…

He Said She Said, But He Had The Facts

A jury returned from its deliberations this afternoon to acquit Luis Fidel Alvarez Andrade, age 25, of rape. The primary legal issue in the trial revolved around consent or lack thereof.

Off the Record (Apr 13, 2016)

ONE WOULD THINK that all the fancy money Ukiah pays for its city government, that that government wouldn't have to pay a consultant to decide if a fancy hotel would be good for what's left…

The NonProfits of Mendocino County

THE NUMBER is 686. That’s how many registered nonprofits we have in Mendocino County today. One for every 127 people. As opposed to 2,975 in Sonoma County. One for every 166 people. All of theirs report revenue. All but six show assets. Where poverty is eleven percent. With all the nonprofits here, we should be kicking ass. But we’re not. 385 of our nonprofits — over half — report no revenue and no assets. Our economy ain’t doing so hot either. The poverty level here is nineteen percent.

Coast Hospital Tax Maneuvers

Health care, in general, is indeed a mess in this country, and yet there are doctors and nurses doing their level best all over the place. They just get re-wound every so often, like an old watch that's supposed to keep on ticking no matter how much you use and/or abuse it.
