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Posts tagged as “region”

Hamburg & The Blue Meanies

Supervisor Hamburg’s sudden concern at Tuesday’s meeting for the condition of County roads didn’t fool the Sheriff. Agenda item 6(e) sponsored by Gjerde and McCowen requested that they be authorized to draft an argument in favor…

Going To See The Fishers

So I got invited to a public shaming…and being a retired librarian and thinking the family to be shamed disgraceful…I decided to do something I’d never done before. Attend. Being a ballot proponent for Measure…

Machete Man

Ricardo Garcia, rock thrower and slow-draw machete man, is lucky to be alive — that’s the consensus law enforcement opinion. Garcia had charged a patrol sergeant, Darren Brewster, with a machete.

Legal Malpractice, A Case Study

(Ed note: Kenny Rogers is still in state prison on a conviction based on the most vague series of allegations we've seen around here. Around the County Courthouse the Rogers matter is referred to as…

Off the Record (Aug 24, 2016)

THERE are still lots of people driving around with Bernie bumperstickers. The most annoying ones say, "Billionaires Can't Buy Bernie." They don't need to. The oligarchs already own both parties, and even if they didn't own Bernie he announced at the Convention that he was for sale. Cheap.

Beetlejuice Plays Brooktrails

The victims, Matthew Dyer and his wife Angela of Modesto were right out of the movie Beetlejuice, every bit the strait-laced couple, the Maitlands, played by Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis in the 1988 Tim Burton film. The perp, Bryan Stencil, looked just like Michael Keaton’s character, Beetlejuice — same spooky hair-do, black-and-white striped clothing, maniacal grin, the works.

The Trouble With Fort Bragg

The trouble with the City of Fort Bragg, apart from its unfortunate name, can be summed up in three words: location, location, location.  From putting a mental health facility downtown at the Old Coast Hotel,…

Damin Pashilk’s Facebook Page

Reading the posts on the page is an interesting exercise. Pashilk is clearly a low-life, not really apparently a Nazi or white supremacist, but my takeaway is that he was “bored” after he became, ahem, “self-employed” in May 2015.

Still Waiting For Pot Dust To Settle

French journalist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr might have been thinking of marijuana when he coined the phrase “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” which translates more or less as “The more it changes, the…
