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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (Oct. 5, 2016)

WHERE’S WOODHOUSE? The Third District Supervisor missed a Board of Supervisors meeting on September 13th. There were vague references to a personal or family situation that caused his absence. Woodhouse then missed the joint meeting…

Hare Creek Heats Up

The City of Fort Bragg held an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping session Monday, September 19th at Town Hall on the topic of yet another shopping center project near Hare Creek. The result was akin…

At The End Of The River

Cattails. I saw them for the first time this summer. A patch was growing on the south bank, another at the end of the small island that lies near the river’s mouth that’s currently blocked by sand. Cattails exist on the periphery of ponds and marshes. They are abundantly seen in bogs. Cattails are often deliberately planted in slow, effluent-bearing streams flowing from wastewater treatment plants. Cattails remove nutrients—usually ammonia from animal waste or fertilizers. Ammonia accelerates algae growth. Unfortunately—as yet—there are not enough cattails to remove the nutrients in the estuarine mouth of the Navarro River.

“He’s Out There Sleeping”

A preliminary examination of the evidence against Charles Reynolds in the death of Kenneth Fisher has resulted in a holding order against Reynolds, which was no surprise to those who feel Fisher was deliberately killed…

Off the Record (Sept. 28, 2016)

THE GREAT DEBATE wasn't exactly Lincoln-Douglas. Trump embarrassed himself as Hillary rope-a-doped him and, by the end, had knocked him clear out of the ring. She was ready, he wasn't. He came off like a…

KZYX Board Goes To Point Arena

In response to requests from South Coast members, the KZYX Board met for the first time in its twenty-six years of existence in the town of Point Arena. Directors Clay Eubank and Jenness Hartley were…

Sending The Message That’s Seldom Received

Judge David Nelson didn’t want to send Jared Soinila to prison for gross vehicular manslaughter — Count One, and Count Two, DUI resulting in great bodily harm — but the judge felt he had to “send a message to the community” that driving under the influence will not be tolerated by the courts regardless of Mr. Soinila having done “everything humanly possible” to show his remorse.
