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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (April 12, 2017)

ACCORDING TO Mendo Animal Shelter honcho Rich Molinari, the visiting vets from UC Davis were impressed by the County’s Shelter operations,  formal findings to be revealed “at a later date.” The Boonville Spay Neuter clinic,…

Fishermen At The Brink

The chairman of a state fisheries committee has said commercial fishing is in a “precarious state,” as record low salmon runs may trigger a disaster declaration and a proposed catch fee increase would drastically raise…

‘Sucker Punch’ or Parking Lot Fight?

Charles Reynolds is charged with felony assault with a special allegation of inflicting great bodily injury (not murder) for killing Kenneth Fisher, a native of Laytonville, who died after Reynolds reportedly sucker punched Fisher outside…

Coast Hospital Prognosis: Grim

The leadership at Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has circled the wagons. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Edwards has moved out of the traditional CEO office because the room was not sound proof enough for…

Off the Record (April 5, 2017)

THE GRANGE WARS continue to rage and, at the Fort Bragg Grange, have become misdemeanor-violent. The Fort Bragg Grange has been broken into, compelling Grange defenders to replace locks, bolt the front door from the inside.

Hospitality House Eating Fort Bragg

Last week some non-law abiding person or persons drove a pickup truck into the northwest forty of the Macdonald Ranch and made off with a sizable amount of unsplit madrone and oak firewood. Perhaps the…

Marie’s Whirlwind Tour Of The GP Mill Site

I attended the open air walk and discussion out on the Georgia Pacific Mill site to hear Fort Bragg’s Development Director Marie Jones discourse on the project of "daylighting" the creeks. It was a brisk…

Potemkin Public Radio

The seating provided for the large room of the Redwood Coast Senior Center was fully filled by more than thirty coastal residents for the March 6th KZYX Board of Directors meeting — an event as…

Cold Case Files

Television crime shows are often built around unsolved murders. Detectives re-visit old case files and talk to witnesses and likely perps again and again until they're successful. Of course they don't make television shows about…
