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Posts tagged as “region”

5700 Doses Of Personal Use Meth

Freshly-minted Judge Keith Faulder presided over his first criminal jury trial last week, and by Thursday afternoon it looked like the defendant, Mark Johnson of Willits would have to finish his testimony on Monday, July…

Off the Record (July 5, 2017)

BE THERE! Where? An exhibit of Virginia Sharkey's paintings opens this Thursday at the Partners Gallery, 335 N. Franklin, Fort Bragg. Runs through July. The kid can paint! You won't be disappointed. CONFIRMING ancient suspicions, “The Mendocino…

The New Pot Growth Industry

We happened on an April presentation by a young State Water Board staffer named Jeff Parks in Willits. Parks was rapping, one might say in the lingo of the Summer of Love, to a rapt…

Willits Bypass Costs Revealed

ABC7 News has learned a controversial freeway project that Caltrans claimed cost $300 million actually cost $460 million, 50 percent more than the agency told the public. Documents obtained by ABC7 News show Caltrans has…

Administrative Malpractice

But Ob-Gyn Saved, For Now... By a 5-0 vote the Board of Directors of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has decided to keep the obstetrics (OB) department open for the next three years. The…

Willie’s Miracle

The jury trial of William “Willie” Housley of Boonville began last week, and the courtroom — presided over by visiting Judge David Devore from Alpine County — had to be evacuated from Department G, in…

Off The Record (June 28, 2017)

THE MORE THINGS change….. The Vagrancy Act 1824 was an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that made it an offence to sleep rough or beg. Anyone in England and Wales found to be…

Coast Hospital Digs Itself in Deeper

At a June 13th special meeting of the Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors, Chair Steve Lund reported out of a 40 minute closed session, “After careful deliberation of this matter, including a thorough, confidential investigation conducted by an outside, independent law firm, the Board of Directors has determined, by a four to one vote, of the members present, per its investigation of this matter, to retain the CFO [Chief Financial Officer Wade Sturgeon] in his present position in accordance with his current contract.”

Bainbridge Trees Cut

The sixty year old trees in Bainbridge park are gone. In the battle, nay war, against homeless people sitting on the grass, every element of grace or accommodation in the park has been removed. The…
