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Posts tagged as “region”

Off The Record (Aug. 9, 2017)

I THOUGHT it was my very own conspiracy theory until a friend told me that he’d heard basically the same thing from Alex Jones, the mega-loon, and the go to guy for lots of Mendo…

Coast Hospital: Code Red (Ink)

According to a long time employee of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH), the President of that institution's Board of Directors, Steve Lund, attempted to harass and intimidate the employee during a March 17th encounter in…

“Enforce Your Pot Ordinance”

Two weeks ago, the Board of Supervisors held its second meeting eliciting public comment and discussing proposed changes to the county’s newly created cannabis ordinance. At the outset, the Board was addressed by the representatives…

Off the Record (Aug. 2, 2017)

THE SPANISH LANGUAGE INTERPRETER for the Superior Court in Ukiah went on strike this morning, Monday, July 31st, citing long-standing discriminatory labor practices. The strike was part of a statewide effort by court staff interpreters…

Off the Record (July 26, 2017)

IF MENDOCINO COUNTY got cut off from the rest of Trumplandia tomorrow, our survival chances would be pretty good, what with our numerous small farms, our plethora of citizens with practical skills, our olive orchards and, best of all, more quality booze per capita than any place in the world including Scotland.

Coast Hospital: Unresponsive

The electronic medical records of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) were the subject of a computer cyber attack in June. Apparently the hospital's administrative leadership has made little or no effort to inform the public…

Fort Bragg Notes

The elected government of the City of Fort Bragg is loaded for bear and going after Hostility House. The flagship operation of Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center, a 29 bed shelter and soup kitchen on McPherson…
