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Posts tagged as “region”

A Letter to the Defense Bar

A number of the lawyers at the Office of the Public Defender have communicated certain innuendos about your trusty courthouse correspondent, namely that I am too friendly with law enforcement personnel and the lawyers from…

Fort Bragg & The Mill Site

On a brisk and wintery Fort Bragg morning November 27, walking down to city hall, for the Mayor’s open meeting I had the whimsical notion how odd it was that that the little town looked…

Off the Record (Dec. 6, 2017)

CAPTAIN FATHOM WRITES: “Enclosed find the $20 we borrowed. Clean and sober after a month ‘rest’ at Tom Allman’s retreat.” AMERICANS will be relieved to know that there are roughly 2000 serial killers loose in…

County Notes (Nov. 29, 2017)

According to Mendo is looking for several new senior people: Ag Commissioner, Assistant Auditor, Assistant Public Defender, Chief Probation Officer, Planning and Building Director, and Shelter Supervisor.

CA’s Stringent New Pot Regs

Last week we discussed the new rules adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board (“State Water Board), establishing strict environmental standards for cannabis cultivation in order to protect water flows and water quality in…

Failure To Appear

Clevon Grant, nabbed by the long arm of the law, was in court last week, and I had to sit through his failure to appear hearing just to button-hole District Attorney David Eyster on a…

Off the Record (Nov. 29, 2017)

The outbuilding at the Trough that burned the other night was used to store left-over stuff from the parking lot yard sales that used to go on at the Trough. Many regulars would bring stuff to sell and set up tables in the Trough's big parking lot. When it was over, the stuff went in the storage shed.

Step One: Sturgeon Resigns

The result of a closed session meeting of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital Board of Directors on November 14th: Wade Sturgeon has resigned his post as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the hospital, effective December…
