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Posts tagged as “region”

Sunrise Suicide Pact Goes Badly Awry

Last Wednesday, March 28th, Joseph Mantynen, 32, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was sentenced to 26 years and four months in prison for the death of his wife, Mary Mantynen, a 23-year-old mother of two, also of Las Vegas, who was shot dead by police officers last December 21st at the Sunrise Motel on South State Street in Ukiah.

Off the Record (April 4, 2018)

THE COUNTY'S helping pros packed the Ukiah Convention Center last week to talk back to the author of the Marbut Report, Marbut himself. Marbut had been paid a cool fifty grand by the County to…

Finding Bad Ideas

One of the first things I learned as an elected official many years ago was that citizen-voters have very modest expectations of officeholders and the bureaucrats who carry out their decisions. That’s certainly the case…

Don’t Break The City Manager

On Monday Morning Mayor Lindy Peters was plucked up for jury duty. Our shiny new City Manager Tabatha Miller graciously stood in for him at the informal morning meeting. There was an hour’s notice that…

Off the Record (March 28, 2018)

TWO MORE POT GROWERS have filed claims against the county for alleged wrongful raids last September. Mr. William Knight of Ukiah says in his claim (on the Supervisors agenda for routine rejection next week) that…

County Budget Notes

PROPERTY, SALES AND THE BED TAX are all up from last year. They’ve been steadily increasing since the Great Recession in 2009. That’s probably why official Mendo doesn’t seem worried about a number of significant budget…

Mr. Bones’s Guns

Mr. Bones, aka Jonathan James Wisbey, is a Youtube video producer at Mr. 420 Wholesalers. He has posted a series of videos entitled Diary of a Domestic Terrorist featuring a masked sleuth called Mr. Bones,…
