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Posts tagged as “region”

Court Ruling: Homeless Camp Alternative?

In the half-dozen homeless camps on the outskirts of Fort Bragg there were no fires on Christmas Eve. Any light might attract the attention of the cops. The raids come without warning, in intermittent unannounced…

County Notes (Dec. 26, 2018)

The question of how to finance necessary roof repairs at the County admin center, the main jail, and the emergency operations center was magically solved on Tuesday by simply taking $1 million from reserves.

Cannabis Crisis Goes On

The hour-long panel, “Tips for Making Money in the Newly Regulated Market,” took place in the Hall of Flowers at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds.

Year End Awards from The Crime Beat

Yearend is neigh, the lawyers all snug in their winter suits, bustling around the courthouse, faces wreathed in smiles

Dave’s Day

When I got to Townhall I thought at first that I had taken a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in a Fellini film

Leaks In the Roof; Fingers In the Dike

In the Air Force we used to call formal presentations that left out key pieces of information “incomplete staff work.” It certainly applies to the Powerpoint Presentation coming up at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting.

Pot Crop Talk

Casey of O'Neil, local pot grower/rep, speaking at last week’s Supervisors meeting: “We would love to see cannabis included in the crop report
