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Posts tagged as “region”

Hail Mary — Courtroom Stadium

Three out-of-town lawyers, representing the home invasion gang from Indiana that ripped off 20 pounds of processed bud from the Slagel home in Brooktrails on October 27

Off the Record (Jan. 30, 2019)

A NICE LITTLE SCANDAL is brewing in Willits involving two sons of Willits High School principal, Michael Colvig. The Colvig boys allegedly took sexual liberties with two girls during a drunken teen "party." When one…

PG&E’s Bad Behavior & Bankruptcy

Last week’s column on PG&E’s pending bankruptcy closes the book on a piece I wrote a year and half ago where I warned to be on the lookout for the twin “Bs”:  Bailout and Bankruptcy.…

Pot Permit Blues

At their last meeting on January 8, 2019, newly seated Supervisor Ted Williams asked, “Are there any staff recommendations on how we can process the [pot permit]

Something’s Stuck In the South Coast Sewer (Part 1)

Gualala Community Services District (GCSD) is a special sewer district located in the southern section of Mendocino County. GCSD's goal is to protect public health and the environment by providing a safe and effective wastewater…

PG&E’s Tangled Webs

Pacific Gas & Electric Company has walked itself into the biggest hurt locker that one can imagine — and they it did all by themselves.
