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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (July 31, 2019)

Paul McCarthy of the essential MendocinoSportsPlus asked, "Why do we get the distinct impression the 5th District Supervisor is doing the work of two Districts

Odds On Adventists

A standing room only crowd filled the Redwoods Room at the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) at three in the afternoon, Monday, July 15. From hospital staffers to first time citizen attendees, the throng was…

The Accidental Arsonist

For those of you who are in danger of becoming homeless on the streets of Ukiah — Heaven forfend — remember this: Don’t expect to be toasting marshmallows around a cheerful campfire. People who have…

Off the Record (July 24, 2019)

CONGRESSWOMAN OMAR, chatting with Rachel Maddow the other day, said Trump "is the worst president we've ever had." Nope. By any objective standard, Andrew Johnson was a lot worse, especially for black people. Succeeding the…

Mendo v. PG&E

PG&E’s designated Flak Catcher at last Tuesday’s Supervisor meeting was a young guy named Matt Pender with the impressive sounding title of “Director, Community Wildfire Safety Program Program Management Office.” It quickly became obvious that…

Home Invasions Change Colors

The latest home invasion for pot – and after legalization, who’d a-thunk it? Yet here we have another trio of armed stoners, with several more of the white boy bandidos still on the loose who…

From Proposals to Sources

Recently this space discussed the salient points of Adventist Health's proposal to affiliate with Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH). A second hospital group, American Advanced Management Group (AAMG), sent in their proposal as well. AAMG…
