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Posts tagged as “region”

Property Tax Due

No Changes To Property Tax Payments Due To Covid-19: As Mendocino County Tax Collector, I understand and share in the public's anxiety and concern about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.  So the pubic is…

Financial Assistance Tips

When the Mendocino Public Health Official issued the Revised Shelter-in-Place Order on March 24th, it had a termination date of April 7, 2020 but is now extended until further notice.  This is consistent with Governor…

MCDH Rumors

As other places in the US start to see exponential rise in the number of patients in their hospitals, we continue to work diligently here on the Coast to be prepared.  Since we still have…

Fort Bragg Faces the Virus

In some ways, Fort Bragg has seen this before. This scrappy former mill town of 7,000 perched on the edge of a continent, a few miles from the San Andreas fault, has seen its share…

Supes Address Corona Virus

After County Counsel Christian Curtis explained the procedural requirements last Tuesday morning, the Board of Supervisors quickly decided to add the virus emergency to their previously posted agenda. Health Officer Dr. Noemi Doohan summarized her…

Off the Record (April 1, 2020)

AS OF LATE MONDAY, plague stats for Mendocino County reveal only four infections, all of them travel-related. Ms. Dukett of Public Health explained that Mendo's tests are sent by courier to a public health lab…

Mendo’s First Virtual BOS Meeting

A somber, business-like feeling pervaded Friday morning’s first-ever virtual Board of Supervisors meeting. As CEO Angelo and her staff held down the fort in the Supes chambers, three of the five supervisors participated from their…

Off the Record (March 25, 2020)

TRUMP SAID LAST TUESDAY he wants to send cash to Americans suffering from the coronavirus crisis. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin added that "The payroll tax holiday would get money to people over the next six to…
