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Posts tagged as “region”

Quite an Evening in Little Fort Bragg

As American cities burn and monuments to Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt fall from their pedestals, as police are assassinated and books are burned by the raging mob, Mayor Will Lee, the hitherto colorless Mayor of…

Numbers? You Want Numbers?

Last month, Measure B project manager Alyson Bailey told the Measure B committee that she would have “numbers” for a Psychiatric Health Facility, Crisis Residential Treatment Center and Crisis Stabilization Unit “maybe in two weeks…

Off the Record (July 1, 2020)

FORT BRAGG'S BUDGET SCENARIOS — After hearing from the public far and wide about whether the town should change its name at its regular meeting last week, the Fort Bragg City Council met Monday night…

As Cases Rise

Miller Report for the Week of June 29, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at MCDH As Cases Rise Elsewhere in US, Where do We Stand? As we follow the news from…

What’s in a Name?

In predictable if disappointing fashion, the Fort Bragg city council voted late Monday night to punt on the issue of changing the name of the only California town from that honors a Confederate general. When…

The Fort Behind Fort Bragg

In this moment of shifting historical identities — the Fort Bragg City Council has taken up the question of whether to change the town's name on Monday — it might help to know what the…

Policing the Police

Ukiah isn’t Detroit. Or Chicago, where two years ago the city spent more than $113 million on lawsuits involving police misconduct. But neither is Mendo an island, as shown by residents who, in spite of…

Better Late Then Never

Supervisor John McCowen, as noted by Supervisor Ted Williams as the “primary architect” of the County’s unworkable and overcomplicated pot cultivation ordinance, summarized his proposal to totally revamp the program on Tuesday by pointing out…

Off the Record (June 24, 2020)

AN MCN COMMENT deserves a reply, and by golly I'm at the ready: “According to Ted and Johnny’s excellent and clear questions and answers, it appears that there is no oversight authority for the sheriff’s…
