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Posts tagged as “region”

The Radioactive Rose Garden

My young friend Katharine is studying to be a doctor. When I told her that a number of public places in the San Francisco Bay area have unusually high levels of nuclear reactor waste, she…

The Return Of Sierra Nevada World Music Festival

“All kinda people come a dance” – Sugar Minott My first musical experience at the Anderson Valley Fairgrounds came in 1971. I was part of a pickup band of musicians camping at the mouth of…

Comments On The Uptick Of Weed Production

In last week’s column I wrote a short item about weed and water, and also gave a longer report on my Saturday KPFN program, “This & That.” Those reports generated a number of responses from…

Mendo Management In Turmoil; Supes Do Nothing

Back in the Carmel Angelo Era, management staffers who presented a problem for the peevish CEO were summarily given the heave-ho on the spot and nobody dared comment about it in open session. The target…

Off the Record (June 28, 2023)

AS A NEWSPAPER PERSON, I’m on the receiving end of a lot of insults. The insults don’t bother me. In fact, I enjoy them if they’re creatively abusive. But the cliches get to me. “Yellow…

Valley People (June 28, 2023)

SARAH SUMMIT: “I just wanted to let everyone know that, although I cannot respond to all of your messages, texts and comments. I am reading them and I appreciate all of the love. Please continue…

Forgot to Plant Your Summer Garden?

They say to wait until after Mother’s Day to plant your summer garden because there can always be a late frost. I waited and then I waited and then I waited some more, distracted by…

The Oakland Ass

I went to a protest the other day and a baseball game broke out. A veritable demonstration. No, it wasn’t the players this time. Nor the umpires. And there was absolutely nothing political about it.…

Budget Put To Bed; Weed’s Back In The Ground

At their annual budget hearing on June 6, the Board of Supes unanimously ok’d the 2023-24 budget mostly by utilizing over $7 million in one-time funds. Ted Williams, of the Coast’s 5th District, capsulized this…
